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Does sterling silver turn green or red ? How to care silver jewelries?

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sterling silver turn green

When you buy a sterling silver 925 jewelry, you should take care silver jewelry, You should know how to use it, Which materials may hurt it . if not sterling silver turn green.

Yes, Sterling silver turn green or red if it is not used correctly.

For example bleach is the main enemy of silver 925. On the other side usual hand washes does not affect on silver.

Here we will discuss how to take care of you sterling silver accessories to avoid them change color.

How to take care silver jewelry to avoid color changing?

  • Dust can make sterling silver turn green and turn them black. Dont use your silver jewelries when there are a lot of dust and dirt in the location.
  • Vitex and bleaches are the main enemy of sterling silver 925 and turn them black. please take off your silver jewelries if you are in contact with bleach.
  • Dirt can affect on sterling silver and turn it green. Wash your silver jewelry every so often buy a hand wash.
  • Buying low quality sterling silver may cause them turn red. Because maybe it has more percent of copper than usual.
  • Perfumes and hand creams and body creams and all make up stuffs can affect on silver jewelries. If you want to put on perfumes, please puff your perfume, let it dry and then put in on.
  • An important point to care silver jewelry: Hand creams can tarnish your sterling silver rings.

Sterling silver ring tarnished by bleach

This sterling silver 925 ring was completely shiny and silver. We put it in bleach and it turned black in 2 minutes.

Category Blog Fashion
Hi, My name is Ari I am a jewelry designer working at Decoricor. I'm very passionate about jewelries, stones, diamonds and ... So I decided to share my intrests here with you
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